Scripture Reading - Matthew 5:37 ERV (Easy-to-Read Version)

Say only 'yes' if you mean 'yes,' and say only 'no' if you mean 'no.' If you say more than that, it is from the Evil One.

Recently we have been studying “Relationships” among various people. We have looked at “Surface Relationships” for those you only know on a surface level (common general information). We have also reviewed “Ministry Mode” for those people you help as unto the Lord expecting nothing in return. This lesson we will explore a relationship known as “Business Mode”. This type of relationship is when you deal with the other person as if you are dealing with someone in business. In “Business Mode” there is nothing personally attached to the relationship that would make or influence your decision. What we (ihlcc) mean by that is your feelings, emotions and past experiences with the other person should not shape your decision of how to interact with the other person at the moment of your decision. In business either you need the product or you don’t. In business either you personally like the product because it will meet your needs or you don’t because it will not meet your needs. In business you should not consider if the salesman needs to feed his family in your decision making, nor should you consider buying something from someone else when you really don’t want it (the product). In “Business Mode” it should be a meeting of supply and demand nothing more or less. The things of God when done right have mutual benefits to both parties. This is why a simple “yes” I want the product right now or “no” I am not interested in this project at this time is all that is necessary. Yes, these principles work for doing business but we (ihlcc) use these same principles when dealing with certain individuals for all decisions in life. We have found through experience that all people cannot be trusted to look out for your best interest. Since that is the case with many people it is better to deal with those who only are concerned about their own personal interest in the “Business Mode” model. This means that certain family members must be dealt with in “business mode” because they are only after their own benefit. You cannot afford to be indecisive with these types of personalities because they will assume your decision was in their favor whether you stated it clearly or not. Yes, even certain neighbors and/or friends who are bossy should be handled in “Business Mode”. Yes, those few people who really have your best interest in mind will receive your stand on any subject whether you agree with them or not. “Business Mode” takes the emotions and feeling out of the equation so that you can be free to follow your heart without hesitation which is exact how we follow God. You are not limited to the number of people that you feel it wise to relate to them in “Business Mode” so you can make a good decision about these types of relationships every time. The good thing about “Business Mode” is that you never have to judge any person you are only discerning how you deal with that person. There are many good solid individuals that we (ihlcc) deal with in “Business Mode” because the situation calls for it but as a caution to those who think everyone is a friend we have thought that way too in the past and been burned repeatedly for being so naive. Jesus Christ is our Elder Brother but He is also the Head of the Church, so when doing church business you must understand His Father’s Business takes precedence over a family conversation.-Refer to Matthew 12:46-50 This is the reason we strongly encourage the saints to be wise as serpent but yet harmless as doves because “Business Mode” affords you that opportunity to do both in the Mighty Name of Jesus Name. Amen!